Character 1: Driving home at night; as it is already dark, traffic has lightened. Button down shirt remains buttoned up, tie remains unloosened. Driving down one of the Phoenix freeways/loops, singing song by the Who “I’m free” under his breath. Eyes narrowed, expression remains both intent and static.
Character 2: Wife out eating at upscale brick-oven pizza café with friends, having glass of wine. Excuses herself to go into the bathroom. When she closes door her body explodes in dance in response to the piped in music. Facing the mirror, eyes half closed, her arms flail, her torso sways but her head remains erect, held on high neck. When people start knocking, she doesn’t stop dancing but face moves into tighter and tighter grimace with chin jutting forward, while eyes stay half closed.
Character 1 and 2 friends (characters 3 and 4): stand outside the back gates of a fenced in community bordering a trash recycling/deposit plant, with big green dumpsters marked “tin”, “plastic”, “newspapers only”. They are standing just inside the facility next to the gate, where a giant “No Smoking” sign hangs. . Their houses are visible just over the ridge. It is after 5, they are just back from work and still in their pressed slacks, shirt sleeves rolled up. They are sneaking a cigarette together.
Character 5: A middle-aged woman has retired early and moved to the same or another gated community as characters 1-5. She looks young for her age and is not old in any event, perhaps 58. She dresses however as if the year were 1963-65. Her blonde hair is coifed into a small pouf on top of her head, with carefully divided bangs. Her lime green never-iron polyester dress has a high collar, short sleeves and white trim. She wears pumps that might be called sensible in the city. She is attempting to walk her small white poodle with tobacco juice-colored eye stains. There are no sidewalks in this community, which is alarming as she must occasionally step onto someone’s lawn to avoid the occasional oncoming car. There are thick hedges near a curve which make sightlines difficult and this obviously makes her nervous as well. She would cross to the other side but then she would be walking with traffic.
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